Porsche Power Testing – EB Motorsport EB Motorsport conducted a back to back test, comparing Millers Oils CFS 10w60 with the new CFS 10w60 NT, an innovative oil incorporating low friction...
Testin tulokset puhuvat: Porsche
Porsche Power Testing – EB Motorsport EB Motorsport conducted a back to back test, comparing Millers Oils CFS 10w60 with the new CFS 10w60 NT, an innovative oil incorporating low friction...
Testin tulokset puhuvat: Toyota GT86
Rogue Motorsport conducted back to back tests comparing Millers Oils’ CFS 0w20NT Nanodrive oil against the...
Tiedote: Nanodrive-öljyt
Uusi moottoriöljy
Vähemmän kitkaa
Nanodrive on nimeltään Millers Oils -yhtiön uusi täyssynteettinen moottoriöljy, jonka valmistuksessa on...
XF Longlife 0w30 Ford is recommended for new Diesel engines requiring an SAE 0w30 Ford M2C950-A or Jaguar Land Rover STJLR 03.5007 specification. XF Longlife 0w30 Ford is fully compatable with the latest Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF), Gasoline Particulate Filters (GPF) and Catalytic Converters and is...